This is a test session where we are learning how to create a landing page.
We are in uncharted territory. We are in the midst of a health crisis that is creating an as yet unknown economic legacy that no one can predict with any accuracy. As business leaders we have lost control of how and when we operate, and it is impossible to know when we will get back to what is likely to be a new normal. While there are many things we can’t control, we can however find ways how we can emerge from this crisis stronger than ever before.
The scope of the challenges, with all its complexities and intricacies is a problem which needs to be looked at from a practical standpoint. We need to find ways how to go about restarting the economy; repairing what was broken; and preparing ourselves to cope with a host of urgent social, environmental, demographic, and economic troubles.
Amidst all this doom and gloom, we need to look for the silver lining and to look beyond the current crisis to the potential challenges and opportunities in the post-COVID-19 world. PIOs need to find ways to cooperate, collaborate and synergize to take collective action as a community to forge the way forward in the New World Economic Order.
As a result of this critical need, this web talk series is organised with range of expert opinions from a geographically diverse set of leaders. The speakers have been tasked to lead a discussion to offer new perspectives on the post-pandemic future, and as well as to discuss how PIOs can collectively and proactively shape the future we want.

In this webinar you’ll learn more about
Adapting to a new world & facing the challenges of the post-COVID-19 business landscape.

The Tools for Transformation and Growth in the New World Economic Order
Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World through Collaboration and Connectivity

How we can emerge stronger and become more resilient and sustainable.


    The distinguished and expert panel of speakers are:

    The distinguished and expert panel of speakers will be moderated by:

    Thiyagarajan G (Raj)

    Founder and Consultant
    Talent Hut PLT


    Raj is an HR Professional with more than 25 years of working experience as Regional HR Head for Asia Pacific with a MNC Company. He is passionate about connecting people with business strategy and well versed with all function of HR from Talent Hut PLT Strategy to Operational matter such as Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Performances Management, Rewards, Management & Organization Development, Training and Succession Planning).


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