GOPIO has reached out to the needies since the GOPIO foundation days. GOPIOs reach out work includes securing some benefits for globally spread PIOs.
GOPIO’s major activities are to lobby globally and benefits locally. Some of these ongoing benefits are:-
- PIO Cards (now OCI Cards) places PIOs on par with India citizens, (see benefits of OCI cards).
- India Culture Centre (ICC) in Kuala Lumpur is a major contribution of India. GOPIO lobbied in the past for the ICC in Kuala Lumpur , for over five years (1999-2005) and today the ICC provide professional coach / teachers for the various cultural fine arts, right in Kuala Lumpur.
- Emergency medical camps. GOPIO in collaboration with MAIUG jointly organize these medical camps in and around the Klang Valley, whenever there is an emergency call due to floods, fire. This arises particularly in urban slum settlements. (MAIUG) is the present organization of GOPIO Malaysia, especially during GOPIO formation period of 1989 to 1996, when GOPIO was finally registered.
- Diaspora Scholarships is offered by India for the PIO Diaspora youth for tertiary and professional education, other than medical studies courses.
- Shelter Home Project is like a half way residence for India workers, who have been stranded without travel documents or have been abused by employers. The Shelter Home project also has the goodwill of the Batu Cave Temple Committee for accommodating additional workers. Together at any one time about 50 stranded Indian workers are accommodate.
- On the international reach our activities, GOPIO Malaysia has provided aid funds for the Gujarat earthquake, tsunami impacted Sri Lanka and the Internally Displaced Refugees of Jaffna in Sri Lanka. MAUIG and GOPIO provided seven days continuous medical camp, immediately following the devastating earthquake in Nepal.
GOPIO observe that serving the real needy people is a spiritually impacting service to mankind.