Press Release
The last one week tragedies of bomb blast around the world capitals by ISIS and other clone terrorists, has sort of crossed the red line. This is now a ‘Enough is enough’, for everyone. For political leaders,academics, civil society leaders and individuals.
That these bomb blast terror were willfully and visibly increased during the Ramadan fasting month period, is clearly indicative that the terrorists have no consideration to Religion or Spiritualism. That the second holy city for Muslims,Medina, in Saudi Arabia, was a victim last week, is a clear statement that these perpetrator terrorists are barbaric in their thoughts and deeds.
It is not just the liberal Muslims nor the police or the army, that should respond; but the whole world must stand up together against these terrorists.
GOPIO calls on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to come forward and provide a strong leadership to stop this terrorism.In particular in Malaysia. And this is urgent. The recent bombing of Movida, an entertainment café in Puchong , Selangor, is not a matter of minor aberration of the peaceful life in Malaysia. It is rather a serious attempt to create fear and chaos.
Malaysia is proud of our multi culture, multi ethnic and multi religion way of life and is a good example in the world. Malaysian’s cosmopolitan culture is an effective base for tomorrow’s globalized Cosmopolitan Civilization. Malaysia must not lose this country identity. This is more than our Tourism Sector’s tagline, Malaysia Truly Asia. Malaysia can in fact transit to ‘Truly Global Civilization’.
The multi culture cosmopolitan life style is very much a Malaysian Life Style culture and is here to stay. Post the working hours, the evening entertainment, café and pubs are very much inclusive in the life style of hard working young Malaysians. They earned it ; and they deserve to let down their hair a little, in the evenings.
Prime Minister Najib must take the lead and minimum he must provide the leadership to clear the terrorists completely from Malaysia and the Prime Minister must provide the ‘Flag of Hope’ in the present global environment where terrorist attacks are becoming a daily affair. The terrorists hiding behind the religion Islam, is an aberration of the strong values imbedded in the religion and is no excuses for the national leaders to keep silent or provide politically correct halfhearted condolences for the victims of the terrorists. This only creates a feeling of insecurity and fear among the innocent public. We need strong Statesman to come forward. We need heroes.
GOPIO will give our full support to the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak for his leadership to stand up against terrorism both in Malaysia and overseas.
GOPIO will also join hands in support of all civil societies, who say no to this global terrorism.
GOPIO or Global Organization of People of Indian Origin is a non sectarian global organization for the 30 million PIOs spread around the world in about 100 countries. GOPIO Malaysia is one of the promoter and founding member of GOPIO International
A.Ravendiran Arjunan
President, GOPIO Malaysia.
Secretary General, GOPIO International.