Kabali is a showcase of the plight of the Malaysian Indian Community. It is just a movie, but highlights the effects of 40 years of negligence between 1969 and 2009. It is a Malaysian story, for us to think and rebuild.
The Malaysian Indian Community now holds a mere 1% economic equity and suffers with high numbers in vice activities. If it takes Rajini Kanth, a Super Star, to highlight it, why not? Kabali is a wake up call for everyone and all Malaysians.
Kabali Reminds Community’s Agony
Don’t waste time comparing the movie; but get one thing right. Rajini is a global icon and Kabali is his contribution to the descendants of the indentured workers living outside India. It deserves appreciation, especially from Malaysians. And in Particular Indian Malaysian politicians, please stop being in the Denial Syndrome.
Salutations to the Kabali team.
Shashiedharan Chandrasegaran
Chairman, Information Bureau