Dr. S Balakrishnan Subramaniam

Dr. S Balakrishnan Subramaniam

Dr. S Balakrishnan Subramaniam - Medicine ( GOPIO International Excellence Award 2010 )

Dr. S Balakrishnan obtained his MBBS Degree from Karnatak University India in 1973 He had his Housemanship Training in General Hospital Ipoh and continued as a Medical Officer at the same Hospital till September 1975. He was then appointed as the Medical and Health Officer at Pusat Kesihatan Besar, sungai Sumun, Hilir Perak from September 1975 till September 1976. During his posting there, he passed the Part I Examination of the MRCOG and was posted back to General Hospital Ipoh as a Medical Officer in Obstetrician and Gynecology.

Dr. Balakrishnan went on to have his specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the University Hospital Kuala Lumpur in August 1977. He then proceeded to United Kingdom for his Part II of the MRCOG Examination an obtained the Degree in January 1981. On his return to Malaysia, he was appointed as a Lecturer at Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.

He resigned from service and started practice as a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Leela Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur in 1982 In 1984 he set up his own maternity centre known as Kajang Specialist Maternity and Surgery and is well known in Kajang. Dr. Balakrishnan was the first Obstetrician and Gynecologist in Kajang. He was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist, London in 1994 and obtained his Fellowship of the International College of Surgeons, USA in 1995. He joined as a Consultant at Sentosa Medical Centre on the 151h, February, 2006 and was subsequently appointed as a Medical Director mantik on the 8th June, 2006. He was reappointed as a Medical disztrics and Gynaecology. Director of KPJ Kajang Specialist Hospital on 2 July, 2007, a post he still holds, after KPJ Healthcare of Johor Corporation took over the Sentosa Medical Centre. He is also a member of Clinical Governance Action Committee Meeting of KPJHB.

Dr Bala was the President of MAIUG for the period 1986-1988, a crucial period when he lead a new team of Committee and raised the profile of MAIUG with a large number of new memberships and new reach out activities. He is the current trustee of the oldest temple in Kajang Sri Subramaniyar Swamy Temple. Dr.Bala also contributes financial assistance to the spirituals organisation LPDM in Kajang .