Professor Dasarath Chetty


He has delivered 77 International presentations in 31 countries and presented over 120 papers and talks at conferences and workshops in South Africa, received over 100 travel and support grants and his 42 publications include two books on public participation (with Gyoergy Szell) on Making Popular Participation Real (2018) and Participation, Globalization and Culture (2003). He was an editorial board member of: Current Sociology, the official journal of the International Sociological Association (2003 – 2010); Society in Transition, the official Journal of the South African Sociological Association (1998 – 2004) and the African Journal of Rhetoric (2008 – 2009).

Prof Chetty’s national and international leadership positions are evidenced by his current presidency, after being elected in Toronto last year, of RC 10 of the International Sociological Association (2018-2022). He has also served (two terms) as the President of South African Sociological Association , President of the UDW Convocation (two terms), President of Child Welfare South Africa (represented 250 Child Welfare Organisations, 2008-2012), President of the South African National Council for Child & Family Welfare (2004-2008), President of Durban Child Welfare, National Chairperson of Marketing, Advancement and Communications in Education (MACE - 2008-2009, 2009-2010) and National Chairperson of UNI TECH (2006-2007, 2007-2008).

Prof Chetty has served GOPIO for two decades in various capacities notably as President and Chairman of GOPIO South Africa and as Vice- President of GOPIO International.