Revin Rajen
Human Capital Asia, Hong Kong
A prominent speaker with over 20 years expertise in training, coaching and consulting. Revin is also an author and motivational speaker who was the first to bring large-scale, open programs to Malaysia and Singapore. A Sports Physiologist by qualification, he has in-depth knowledge and understanding of human potential and behavior modification.

Doug Dean
Head of Consulting
OSR Consulting
Douglas is a leadership development, strategy expert and a world-class brand builder. He has 30 years’ experience in industry and consulting including Chief Marketing Officer for Volkswagen commercial vehicles, Vice President of the prestigious Lausanne Hotel School and Advisor to Nestle-Nespresso’s CEO. Since coming to Asia in 2005, he has advised a number of start-ups, PLCs and Government Linked Companies on strategic initiatives aimed at increasing company performance in increasingly volatile and uncertain environments by leveraging agile leadership, agile innovation.

Dr. Thilagavathi
Senior Lecturer
University Malaya
A Senior Lecturer in University Malaya, Dr. Thilagavathi is also a reviewer and editor for select local and international journals. She is extensively involved in government funded research projects which includes impact study and capacity development training as well as a grant recipient of the prestigious Erasmus+ project which covers EU and Asian Universities. She is currently the President of the i-Alumni UKM.